GTC Business Applications for SME
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Glorious Technology Company Limited
l Enhanced Edition l Professional Edition l
| Accounting System| |Invoicing System|| Quotation & Ordering System|| Retailing System|

GTC Invoicing System Professional Edition
  • GTC Invoicing System is perfect for SMEs to manage transactions of Sales & Purchases, Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable, and inventory. Easily generate analysis reports and save reports to Excel.
    Catalog : PDF File
  • Sales Invoice Entry and Sales Return Entry : user-friendly data entry interface
  • support multi-currency: invoice currency can be different from default currency and exchange rate can be edited daily as per spot rate
  • invoice item support service item or remark item
  • support multi-stock selection
  • stock sales costing methods including average cost, standard cost and last purchase price, can be determined by user. The authorized user can modify the cost price for each transaction
  • 3 level accumulated discounts
  • last price for each customer to all stocks will be recorded and be automatically used in next transaction
  • user can press F7 to call Last Price File and to select one/multiple record(s) from the File. The selected records will be posted to the current transaction automatically
  • link with account receivable automatically to generate transaction Journals
  • warning signal to user when over credit limit or on hand quantity less than safety quantity
  • remark field supports large detail information
  • display format of stock unit price and stock quantity can be pre-set
  • invoice content can copy from the existing invoice, quotation and sales order (GTC Quotation and Ordering System)
  • partial shipment status can be managed if the sales invoice is copied from a sales order (GTC Quotation and Ordering System)
  • support detail information input: salesman, payment terms, payment methods, ship via, order number, currency, exchange rate, freight charge and other charge, etc
  • user can search customer, vendor or stock easily by code, name or even telephone number
  • pre-set 3 types of invoice format which can be modified by user
  • Vendor Invoice Entry and Purchase Return Entry : user-friendly data entry interface
  • support multi-currency: invoice currency can be different from default currency and exchange rate can be edited daily as per spot rate
  • invoice item support service item or remark item
  • support multi-stock selection
  • 3 level accumulated discounts
  • last price for each vendor to all stocks will be recorded and be automatically used in next transaction
  • user can press F7 to call Last Price File and to select one/multiple record(s) from the File. The selected records will be posted to the current transaction automatically
  • link with account payable automatically to generate transaction Journals
  • remark field supports large detail information
  • display format of stock unit price and stock quantity can be pre-set
  • invoice content can copy from the existing invoice and purchase order (GTC Quotation and Ordering System)
  • partial shipment status can be managed if the vendor invoice is copied from a purchase order (GTC Quotation and Ordering System)
  • support detail information input: salesman, payment terms, payment methods, ship via, order number, currency, exchange rate, freight charge and other charge, etc
  • user can search customer, vendor or stock easily by code, name or even telephone number
  • pre-set 3 types of invoice format which can be modified by user
  • independent interface for settling A/R Payment and A/P Payment
  • A/R Payment Entry and A/P Payment Entry support foreign currency with automatically calculation of exchange difference
  • detail customer / vendor contact information management
  • detail customer's contact history / vendor's contact history
  • Independent AR account to customer and AP account to vendor
  • Customer File / Vendor File link with invoice transaction, outstanding invoices can be displayed automatically
  • pre-set salesman, dealer, payment terms, payment method, ship via, credit status, credit limit, district and monthly closing date
  • support six types of Customer/Vendor Mailing Label
  • Delivery Note can copy from the sales invoice or input directly
  • Packing List supports carton no., no. of carton, net weight, gross weight, length, width, height, CBM/CFT (automatically calculated), shipping mark, side mark, etc
  • delivery note reports : Delivery Note List, Delivery Note List by Customer, Delivery Note List by Sales Invoice
  • stock code max to 30 digits or characters
  • Stock Take Entry supports import text file generated from data collector or input directly
  • independent interface for Stock Adjustment entry
  • support two level stock unit, e.g. 1 box have 12 PCs
  • different unit price for large unit and small unit. The unit price can be in foreign currency
  • data of length, width and height for a stock can be input for CBM calculation
  • support common barcode formats, e.g. EAN-13, UPC, etc
  • can import stock image of common formats: BMP, TIF, GIF JPG etc.
  • support three types of Barcode Label printing
  • up to 4 levels accumulated discounts each stock. User can input either discount rate or discount unit price for a stock. For example, 2% off for over 10 pieces, 5% off for over 20 pieces, 10% off for over 50 pieces and 15% off for over 100 pieces, or discount unit price at $10 for over 10 pieces, $9 for over 20 pieces, $7 for over 50 pieces, $5 for over 100 pieces.
  • user can pre-set different stock unit price to different customers. Last selling price, quantity, bill no and date will be showed to user for reference
  • dealer and salesman commission rate can be pre-set in customer file
  • commission rate for dealer and salesman will be automatically filled when an invoice issued. It can be altered by user.
  • support VAT tax for mainland China
  • support sales tax
  • Account Receivable Reports
  • Account Payable Reports
  • Stock Reports
  • Sales Analysis Reports
  • Purchase Analysis Reports
  • Salesman Performance Reports
  • Delivery Note Reports : Delivery Note List, Delivery Note List by Customer and Delivery Note List by Sales Invoice

  • our accounting software support English, Traditional Chinese (UTF8) and Simplified Chinese (UTF8)
  • data fields support bilingual language: Chinese and English. The interfaces and reports will be displayed according to the selected language
  • client/server architecture : support SQL Server Database with higher speed and large capacity
  • database server support MS Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11, Linux/Unix and MacOS X
  • user can search a master record (e.g. a customer, a vendor) by just defining partial information in a designated field. For example, user can search the customers with English Name [Printing]. Search Type can be [Exact Match], [Partial Match at Beginning] and [Partial Match Anywhere]
  • user can search a transaction record (e.g. a voucher) by just defining partial information in a designated field. For example, user can search the voucher with cheque no. [938128]. Search Type can be [Partial Match at Beginning], [Partial Match Anywhere], [=], [<>], [<], [<=], [>], [>=]
  • user can pre-set the remark's content in Remark File for common use
  • all executed actions are recorded and can be checked under User Log Control
  • no of modification, modified person and modified time for each record are recorded
  • each function for different user can be set to read, new, edit or delete in User Security Maintenance
  • sales transactions / reports and purchase transactions / reports can be restricted to access
  • all reports in our accounting software can be sent out via e-mail to designated person which can be selected from e-mail system's address book or from Customer File / Vendor File.
  • all print-out formats can be modified by user via built-in Report Designer
  • all reports can be exported to the formats of Excel, RTF, TXT, BMP, JPG, TIF, CSS2, Lotus123, Quattro, PDF (English only), HTML and text file
  • data in master files / transaction files can be exported to other GTC systems (same version) with designated date range
  • export data can be directly e-mail to designated person or upload to FTP Server
  • import data from other GTC systems
  • export / import function can consolidate the data in different locations
  • data can be exported to many other common format files : Text file, HTML file, MS Excel file, MS Word file, Symbolic Link file, DIF file, Lotus 1-2-3 file, QuattroPro file, SQL file, XML file, MS Access file, Rich Text file, SPSS file, PDF file, and LDAP file
  • master data files can be imported from many other common format files : Paradox file, Dbase file, Text file, HTML file, MS Excel file, MS Word file, Lotus 1-2-3 file, QuattroPro file, XML file, MS Access file and ADO file
  • built-in backup and restore functions
  • transaction auditor: to verify and correct database error caused from electric or hardware problems
  • online update technology used, transactions modified by authorized user will be updated directly to GL
  • accounting period locking function : all transactions in locked accounting period can't be modified
  • True 32Bit Application, no run time library needed
  • print cheque function: payee can be customer/vendor/staff. Amount in words automatically generated after the amount input
  • fully integrated with GTC Invoicing System, GTC Quotation & Ordering System, GTC Retailing System and GTC Production System
    System Requirements:
  • Intel Pentium i3 or faster compatible computer
  • 4GB RAM or above (8GB recommended)
  • 400MB Hard Disk Space
  • 1024 x 768 resolution
  • USB port
  • Microsoft Windows 11, 10, Windows 8/8.1

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